
rapid growth Learn more about rapid growth

  • Key points of sowing and cutting Propagation of Liriodendron mandshurica

    Key points of sowing and cutting Propagation of Liriodendron mandshurica

    Liriodendron mandshurica, also known as Liriodendron mandshurica, has a very special shape and has a good name of "Chinese tulip tree". It is a very precious street tree and courtyard ornamental tree in China. However, the reproduction of Liriodendron mandshurica is difficult, and the survival rate is relatively low, so the popularization rate in China is getting lower and lower.

  • High-yield and high-quality planting methods of golden scented tea

    High-yield and high-quality planting methods of golden scented tea

    Golden scented tea is a national first-class protected plant, known as the living fossil of the plant kingdom, the flower is yellow, the flower shape is oval to round, and the flowering period is from November to March of the following year. Golden scented tea likes a warm and humid climate and has a bad demand for soil, so those who are interested can try to grow golden scented tea.

  • Points for attention in Rapid Seedling growth of Apple

    Points for attention in Rapid Seedling growth of Apple

    Points for attention in Rapid Seedling growth of Apple

  • The key points for the latest rapid breeding of apple

    The key points for the latest rapid breeding of apple

    Apple is one of the most common fruits in life, and it is also one of the fruit trees with the largest planting area in China, and the robust seedlings can be obtained very quickly through rapid seedling breeding technology, which saves a lot of time for production. But we should also pay attention to a few points of rapid seedling breeding.

    2020-11-10 The latest apple fast seedling attention main points fruit life
  • Rapid fattening method of squab

    Rapid fattening method of squab

    Rapid fattening method of squab

  • What conditions are needed for rapid fattening of pigs

    What conditions are needed for rapid fattening of pigs

    What conditions are needed for rapid fattening of pigs

  • Analysis on the Changes of Agricultural Product Consumption in China from the Perspective of Food

    Analysis on the Changes of Agricultural Product Consumption in China from the Perspective of Food

    According to the report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a specific scenario description will be made. By 2020, China will build a well-off society in an all-round way, and by 2027, China's urbanization level will be close to 70%. Industrialization enters the middle and late stages, which means that people's lives are richer and various social undertakings enter

    2016-01-10 from the perspective of food dialysis china agricultural products consumption changes
  • The slow-growing traveler of the orchid used three tips to start the rapid growth mode immediately.

    The slow-growing traveler of the orchid used three tips to start the rapid growth mode immediately.

    The orchid grows slowly, and the traveler uses three tips to start the rapid growth mode immediately! In such a season, it should be the peak season for orchid growth, but from the recent orchid bonsai, it is found that it is not like its own period.

  • Rapid growth of contracted cultivated land transfer ratio of new agricultural operators in China

    Rapid growth of contracted cultivated land transfer ratio of new agricultural operators in China

    China Securities Network News (trainee reporter Jin Jiajie) with the support of a number of policies, the new main body of agricultural management in China is developing rapidly, and the circulation area of contracted cultivated land in rural areas is increasing. According to the latest statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture, as of June this year, contracted farming across the country

    2016-01-10 China agriculture new type management main body fast growth contracting
  • Rapid Garden Formation Technology of New Clonal Tea Plantation

    Rapid Garden Formation Technology of New Clonal Tea Plantation

    New clone tea garden rapid garden technology New clone tea garden, generally from tea seedling transplantation to garden mining needs 3 to 4 years, if planting, management is not good, it takes longer. As tea mining years before the harvest, for the eye...

  • How succulent peach eggs grow rapidly

    How succulent peach eggs grow rapidly

    How succulent peach eggs grow rapidly

  • China's farmers' income has increased rapidly for 10 years in a row.

    China's farmers' income has increased rapidly for 10 years in a row.

    In the first half of this year, farmers' income continued to grow rapidly. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the per capita cash income of rural residents increased by 9.8% in real terms in the first half of the year compared with the same period last year, which continues to grow faster than the per capita disposable income of urban residents across the country. As of last year, China's farmers

    2016-03-20 China farmers income has continuous 10 years rapid growth this year
  • The method of Rapid Culture of Tenebrio Molitor

    The method of Rapid Culture of Tenebrio Molitor

    The method of Rapid Culture of Tenebrio Molitor

  • How to manage potted figs in spring

    How to manage potted figs in spring

    How to manage potted figs in spring

  • How to manage the latest potted figs in spring

    How to manage the latest potted figs in spring

    After entering spring, the figs in many potted friends 'homes slowly began to recover and grow rapidly. But spring is crucial for fig conservation and management, because it determines not only whether the plant can quickly resume growth, but also the later flowering.

    2020-11-10 latest potted plant fig spring how management into into spring
  • Rapid cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in high temperature season

    Rapid cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in high temperature season

    High temperature is extremely disadvantageous to the normal growth and high yield of Pleurotus ostreatus. If conventional cultivation methods are still used, not only the cost is high, but also the yield is low. However, if the rapid high-yield cultivation technique is adopted, high yield and high efficiency can be obtained. Summing up our experience for many years, the main points of rapid and high yield cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in high temperature season are as follows: there are many varieties suitable for Pleurotus ostreatus, and the quality of pure high temperature type is poor, so it is suitable to choose wide temperature but high temperature tolerant varieties. Such as Su Ping, Ai Kang 558, West Germany 33, Yaguang 1 and Gaoping 1, three Gorges 13.

  • Rapid ramet breeding method

    Rapid ramet breeding method

    Rapid ramet breeding method

  • Rapid Seedling raising technique of Broussonetia mandshurica cutting

    Rapid Seedling raising technique of Broussonetia mandshurica cutting

    The cuttage rapid seedling technology of the elder brother king tree is also known as Jiuxin cabbage, mountain yellow bark, Nanling clover flower, cotton root, pomegranate, pomegranate, hemp, fire cord wood, valley hemp. Morphological features: shrubs, 30cm to 100cm high. Branches reddish brown, glabrous.

  • Rapid Propagation of Anticancer Plant Hybrid Taxus chinensis

    Rapid Propagation of Anticancer Plant Hybrid Taxus chinensis

    Hybrid Taxus mairei 8502 is one of more than ten cultivated strains of Taxus mandshurica Taxusmedia. Its rapid growth and wide adaptability are better than other strains and can be planted in most areas of our country. Taxusmedia is one of the yew approved by FDA to extract paclitaxel, an anticancer drug. The taxol content in the branches and leaves of the 5-year-old Taxus mairei was higher than that of the natural yew bark grown for 70 ~ 80 years. A wild yew, including domestic varieties.

  • Rapid growth of Pleurotus ostreatus in bags

    Rapid growth of Pleurotus ostreatus in bags

    The mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus usually takes 25-30 days to fill the bag after inoculation. The longer the inoculation time, the more chances of infection of miscellaneous bacteria, and the longer the production cycle. A simple and rapid method of producing bacteria is introduced below, which can significantly shorten the time of producing bacteria, reduce the pollution of miscellaneous bacteria, speed up the emergence of mushrooms and shorten the production cycle. After the culture material (clinker) is bagged, it is inoculated at both ends. At both ends of the bag, use a sharp rod (2-3 cm in diameter and about 30 cm in length) to drill holes in the center of the bag head, with a depth of more than half of the bag, and then insert an appropriate amount of bacteria into the hole.
